Stop Poor Bladder Control and Get Back to Living Your Life Again

Poor bladder control can not only be embarrassing but it can stop you from doing things that you enjoy. It's no fun to always have to worry about whether there will be a bathroom near and the frequent bladder urges can force you to miss out on important moments as well as undermine your confidence.

But you don't have to let your life be ruled by your bladder because there are a couple of things you can do without having to submit to surgery that has no guarantee of working.

Your bladder is actually a series of sphincter muscles that contract and relax to control the flow of urine. Just like any other muscle in the body, they can get weak and just like any other muscle, you can exercise them to make them stronger.

These exercises can help with poor bladder control and are called pelvic floor exercises, or Kegel exercises, or simply bladder control exercises. They are easy to do and it takes only about 15 minutes a day (3 sets of 5 minute sessions) to give your bladder a full workout. You'd be amazed at how much control you can regain.

The only thing about them is that you must do them properly in order for them to be effective which is why you should visit your doctor to get the proper instructions before starting your exercise regimen.

Another thing that you can do is even easier than the exercises and you can get started right away. That is to take herbs that will help to strengthen the muscles as well as calm the bladder to eliminate frequent bladder urges.

The herbs you want to take are pumpkin seed extract and soy germ extract. These are perfectly safe with no side effects and pumpkin seed has been used since the 16th century for bladder health. You can even find homeopathic remedies with the combination of these herbs specifically for poor bladder control.

If you are sick and tired of always planning everything around trips to the bathroom and are ready to start enjoying life the way you used to, then I urge you to look into these two easy ways to regain bladder control - after all, you have nothing to lose except the embarrassment of an over active bladder!


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